Kodi timamvesedwa kuti mkhallidwe wa chi anzungu ndiwchovunda zedi makamaka tikafika pa nkhani ya dama. Amakonda kiss to kiss ndiso love to love pali ponse mpaka pa depoti yabasi kaya mu mseu. ali ngati nkhuku . Tatiuzeni kunjako mukukhal bwanji. kodi nde kuti inu anzathu amalawi muli ndi utenda zeditu kuposa ife kuno. Ndafunsa like that because the reason is that here at home we are not holding a womans mouth in public and we are not doing it everywhere kaya under the table the toilet or the road post but now today you the white people today are saying we have more aids and chindoko here than azungu ndi inu amalawi uko kunja . Kodi chilingamo chili pati pati apapa. Ife sitipanga za uve , nyasi nagti zongogonana mpaka amuna okhaokah. Bwanji matenda awa a edzi akunkachulukila kuno pomwe ife sitipanga zovunda ngati izozo mupanga amalawi. Apa tamvaso kuti amalawi a bradfod apanga dama loopsa zedi kodi mukufuna kudzatipha kuno kumudzi.
who cares what other people are doing?? olo akukhomana pa saithi apo alinazo ntchito ndani.iwo sakungomveserera mnong'a wa chikondi chawo.wake up man we are living in 2006 now. that was too long ago when kamuzu was covering our faces .