abre les ojos wrote: The speed cameras didn't work in Malawi like we said. I hat to say this but "I TOLD YOU SO".
either you are ignorant of the facts or you are pretending not to be aware of the reality on the ground in Malawi.For starters the speedtraps and breathlisers were introduced and were working,a fellow forum member,Bingiza even wrote about them some time back when he was unfortunate enough to be caught and stopped.If we talk about working we are talking in the context of effectiveness and as far as I am concerned and people who are back there will agree that when they were introduced,driving attitudes changed as no one wanted to be caught and fined,you do your research!
However Raspicious Dzanjalimodzi,MP,got a court injuction to have the Police officers and the equipment removed from the roads as there was no legislation to have such equipment on the roads.That however does not mean that the equipment didnt,cant or wont work in Malawi.
For have I now become your enemy for telling you the truth?-Galatians 4 v16.
You're right Ngwazi. On the legality of the fines, Malawi has always had speed (and drink) limits right? How were they enforced (evidence, fines, etc), if at all, prior to the speed cam program? Keeping that in mind, i'd say the real problem the program has run into isn't its ineffectiveness. Rather, its in how archaic, disordered & out of touch, Malawian road traffic legislation apparently is.
awmygawd wrote: You're right Ngwazi. On the legality of the fines, Malawi has always had speed (and drink) limits right?
-- Edited by awmygawd at 12:02, 2006-09-04
Wait a minute. Who is fooling who in here ? DONT MAKE US UNDERSTAND AND BELIEVE YOUR MISUNDERSTANDING OVER THE UNDERLINED. Drinking laws arent same as speeding laws in Malawi, right? And the rest is said by Ngwazi.
I'm talking about road traffic laws & reg's you twit (what the hell is speeding and drinking law?). And If you go over my post, you might just notice I discuss what I see to be the INADEQUACY of Malawian road traffic legislation, something Ngwazi does not mention at all. And you have the nerve to point out my lack of understanding.