Wow! I do not even know where to begin. I have been deeply touched by the devastation that Katrina has caused. Ayatollah's thoughts and prayers are with all the brothers and sisters along the Gulf Coast, especially those in the New Orleans, Mississipi and Alabama area.
I know there are a number of Nyasa's in the Alabama, mobile area. I hope you are all safe over there. However if there are any Nyasa's who need help or assistance of any sort resulting from Katrina, please feel free to contact your local embassy either in NY or DC where the Malawian community can channel some sort of help.
May the good Lord be with all those that have been impacted especially at this very difficult time.
Thanks Ayats and all the well wishers. I believe that all the Malawians in the Mobile area are alive and kicking. Some of us havent got power yet. Gas stations are jam packed hopefully this will be resolved soon otherwise tiyamba wa adam. Thanks for your prayers.
Sepu, thank you for giving us the update. Thanks to God. Ayatollah is happy to hear that under the circumstances you are all doing well. Hopefully your lives will be back to normal soon.
those arabic website are mad, why do allah or god want to punish African AMERICANS, it was the same arabs with their guns captured and sold africans to white people, ( put into slavery,) we all know that 84%, of people affected by hurricane were poor black americans. black people have been abused and ill-treated for so long in the world, from slavery to colonialism and many more.when are we going to wake up. i live in uk, am not attacking other peoples's religions, london bombing in july (7/7) can't be justified, if u eva been in london u will agree, london is very multicultural city and u can find very little azungu, mostly are are afro carribeans, grand childrens of slaves, asian and eastern europeans, but these radical exremist muslims chose to bomb london in the name of allah,(especially east london) iam a christian, if those extremist muslim terrorist wanted to kill azungu they could gone where most azungu live, since most azungu moved out of london. whether its a disaster or allah's wrath, Arabs and muslim extremist stop killing innocent black people in the name of allah, coz they trying to take back what was taken from them in western worlds, if hurri...... katrina hit Boston, YEA, MAY BE ITS ALLAH'S WRATH, coz we all know thats where most members of ku klux klan live, (azungu) but we all know that it hit deep south ( NEW ORLEANS), STOP THIS NON-SENSE OF KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF FALLUJAH, IRAQ,AND ETC. they are all bad people azungu, and aluya and anyone who kill innocent people in the name of heir faith.!
Slow down love I was only being SARCASTIC. There's no such thing as God punishing anyone as there is no such thing as God in the first place. Either nature does it or man does. There's also the element of global warming too let's not forget.
At least Americans cam understand first hand how the people in Fallujah felt when their city was destroyed irrespective of their colour. In Fallujah it was the sick, old and poor who couldn't leave before the Americans came and slaughted them.
So you say people who kill for religion are wrong. What about those who kill for so-called democracy or oil? American or british soldiers are dying too for what they believe in. Same story innit?