As someone once said "screw the truth, its what people believe that matters"
How well informed or otherwise are we? How much are we really told about what is going on in the World, and how much of that is reported fairly and with a balanced perspective.
Horrifying are images beamed into our living rooms, whilst most of the worlds injustices get next to no coverage.
Do Governments and the media have an agenda other than informing us with the truth so it's impossible for us to make a balanced opinion, or am I talking bollocks?
SUN GODDE'SS (The Earth Mother , Queen of Africa and Warrior Activist and Conqueror Ancestral Spirit and Revolutionary Mayibuye!)
the media and govt only want us to see want they want us to,that's why I don't depend on them for the real truth. Take for example the way they portray africa,it's always about poverty, AIDS,war and more poverty. this is why why we africans come here we are asked what kind of tree we lived in. the last time I went to malawi I met some BBC repoters at capital hotel,I asked them if they had filmed that because I was sick and tired of them choosing the most remote places in malawi and showing them here because even here in u.k they have real slums as well.
Its what they think will interest people not the truth.You are not talking bollocks!!!
Firstly you need differentiate between fact and truth.
Fact is unchanging, truth is perception. It's that simple. Politicians, relogious leaders, the media are part of the truth aspects. Since they deal with perception, they possess the skill and ability to bend it to suit their agenda. There is no opinion that can be biased since an unbiased opinion is worth jack.
you and I can read the same facts and go away with our own versions of the truth. Power lies with those who have access to the machinery of "truth" production i.e. government, media, religious institutions, schools. And all those are part of the conspiracies beheind human control.
Some say a through education is the only defence against the media. Partly true but I'll include a questionning and inquisitive mind..
I for one are very cynical with all media, especially as it becomes larger and more influential. Like everything that comes out or America. Most of which are lies, truth distortions or just plain rubbish...
Well if you get your news from FOX or even CNN then the answer is yes! If you spend your hours watching MTV or cheap Hollywood remakes and sequels, then yes you are horribly misinformed. YOUR world and everything in it is severly reduced to fit a certain hegemony that views itself as created personally by God (the US).
There are 6 billion people in the world today and guess what? A whole lot of them don't care who's dating Beyonce or 50cents latest album. Why should we then? Is it essential to our survival? No. It just takes us away from the real issues, like how our tax bucks are spent on ill-advised adventures in the Middle-east.
Kesso, u dont have to wathc Fox and CNN to know ur getting biased news. Do u know that Disney owns the majority of the media in the US ? Including NBC, the local media shows etc... The Disney CEOs have a huge say in the tpe of media we see - and that guy - Murdoch (It think thats his name - the media guru / intrepreneur that streamlined media is to thank for this). Anyway, take for example (Im not sure if ur in the US or Englan) but when Sept 11th happened, all the networks took a popular media presenter Bill maher off the air b/c he questioned , and he was being objective about why America was attacked. He was censored. The story about Bush and Bin Laden working togeher thru business aired one time in the US and was silenced. It was revived with Michale Moor but for a long time the media didnt want to touch it - All info we get is distorted, we need to try hard just to pull out the facts and read all the intrepreations carefully.
Murdoch, owns the majority of the media outlets here in the UK. And surprise, surprise, they always dance to their masters voice. It bleeds my heart to see intelligent folks buying into the crap about 9/11.
I had a debate with Ngwazi about it (no disrespect Ngwazi) and he said it was a shut case about Bin Laden's guilt. Well, I haven't seen the evidence. No one actually has. But because of all the emotions, people failed to ask, wait a minuite? How?
I think common sense is at an all time low, particularly in the US. At least here in Europe we question America's role but blind patriotism in the US would be laughable here ifonly it wasn't that dangerous.
Although it irritates me a lot, I can live with bad art on MTV, the cinema, or anywhere else, after all, my definitition of artistry is not universal. What really ticks me off is how others in the media, like some of the (Murdoch) News Corp companies indiscriminatetly use their reach and content (bias, blatant lies and all), to affect the workings of society. The only thing more irritating is the people that fall for it.
But the truth is that that bad art on TV and film is also indirectly its own propaganda. i mean Murdoch own Fox studios and The Times. Some new Fox film comes out, rubbish as hell, but you get good reviews from his newspapers. Encouraging people to pay money to see some poor film promoting American gung-ho, self-righteous, go-it-alone attitude. Rambo, Schwarzenegger etc. Arab villians, etc. 24 might be a well produced series by Fox but it is blatant propaganda.
At the end of the day News tries to compete with fiction and ends up becoming fiction.