Just a reminder to those who are planning to come, (and I know they are many of you that are coming). We got about 100 people on the guest list so far for the Black Party, ( looks like CA is really representing) but as a reminder to the rest of you, if your coming, sign up for the guest list at Ozios - If your not signed up, theres nothing we can do about it, we're giving our list to the bouncers, and either your names there or its not.
For those who dont know the deal, the price to get in a club in DC on a regular weekend is $10, for that weekend all prices are higher, it may be up to $30 or more - you dont want to be forking out that kinda cash - dont miss the boat !
I need information about hotels or motels that are close to the venues of the activities.
And one other thing, you guys ought to be kidding us when you said we have to bring our own meet for the BBQ. That's very inconvinient for someone who will be putting up at a hotel. I have no problem bringing my own drinks, but meat! thats kinda awkward. Come on guys get serious, you mean the organizers of this event cant come up with $200 for chicken and some meat? Alternatively, you folks from Washing DC, Virginia or Maryland could do us this big favor by supplying the meat for the BBQ. At least guys in Indiana and Atlanta know what it means to invite people for a barbecue, they provide and are not tight fisted.
All I am asking is that you guys from DC area should provide the meat. Perhaps you have never been to other States and have never seen how people do it over there. So spare us the headache of telling us how much you guys are spending on the Club bookings because thats what you should expect when you are hosting this type of an event. For your information, I would suggest that you priotize your spending on the BBQ and pay less attention to the clubs etc. It is usually the BBQ that leaves the greatest impact on the overall rating of the events.
You are making it sound like life in DC is very un affordable . Which could be true but in a way you are scaring people way.
I hope that the posted schedule of events is only tentative and that suggestions are still welcome, if so my suggestion is; would it be possible to switch the BBQ to Saturday and the Panel discussion to Sunday or better yet just organize another BBQ for that Saturday and have the Panel discussion at a later time?Coz I think a lot of the younger generation who will be in attendance would rather be chiling at the BBQ than sit at a White-Collar panel discussion on a sunny summer Saturday afternoon, plus come Sunday most guests will be packing their bags ready to leave.