FOR: Malawi Washington Association 11228 Georgia Avenue, Suite #4 Silver Spring, MD 20902 U.S.A.
It is with no small degree of feelings that have again prompted me to take my pen to reveal what I felt about your institution during my initial visit of your appetising web site. Perhaps even more important than being a non-political, non regional and a non-profit making organisation I appreciate the spirit that the entire organisation has been built around, a true Malawian image and you deserve the impression of our national colours that I see on your web site.
When I begin to examine the recent Malawian websites I have visited I soon find that there is indeed much within ourselves that must be done. There is more that we can do within different institutions other than fulfilling simple social obligations. Its advisable that as Malawians living abroad should never remain in the dark of what is going on around us and it is no more than what we really deserve.
Truly, you are the first one, in fact, the only one of its kind to assume a positive stance within achieving social goals as part of r developing our country in all aspects. I admire your genuine spirit of brotherhood. May the Lord continue to bless you in all of your endeavours because you seem to have compassion to those who are in need.