"No, not send them some water, I'm talking about improving the water system. The water over there is dirty. Dirty waters causes the Africans No, not send them some water, I'm talking about improving the water system. The water over there is dirty. Dirty waters causes the Africans to get a parasite, which is a virus. Some of these viruses are closely associated to whats considered HIV. And now remember, if you have HIV doesnt mean you have AIDS. It means you have a virus in your system.
Nonetheless, the ones with AIDS have a hard time getting better anyway because of the water system." SOHH.COM . Come on guys, retro viruses in African water ?
i want to comment but i might get you wrong man dont know for sure what you are saying,may be you are steps ahead of me man,try to break it down a little bit it sounds like a very interesting topic,
all i have is my word,and i dont break it for nobody.
Game, i came across that article on a SOHH discussion forum and this character was suggesting that many of Africa's problems are due to the dirty water in Africa. He said that the dirty water even contributes to the AIDS situation in Africa and went on a limb to say that Oprah should make donations towards an improved water system than the donations she makes some of which are for retro viral drugs.I just found it funny that he simplified all of Africa's woes to its "dirty water ".