to the webmaster i think pipo have learned a lesson now i dont think anthu azitukwananso on this sight chifukwa malawiana yasiya kubeba we always look forward kuti timve zomwe zikuchitika mma state ena koma pano when you browse on discussion forum palibe chikuchitika anthu aphunzila and im sure kuti sipakhalanso kunyozana tonse ndife a modzi please open discussion forum for everybody tizicheza just a siggestionfrom me enanu mukuti chani?
I wish everyone was as naive as you are twisi. Anthu aziponya mwano pa malawiana pano. You just have to remember that these people don't even mean what they say so there is really no reason for us to be offended when they dis each other. Fans these days ilibwe mwambo and you all know who you are. No need to mention your names.
I would rather keep it this way. I now have more privacy and a peace of mind: no harassing phone calls at midnight and I don't have to be blamed or take responsibility for other people's wrong doings. Everyone should be responsible for their own contributions.