Do you know that sex is meant to be enjoyed by all!
A lot of people don't associate sex with God - they associate it with Satan and darkness, as if sex weren't holy.
The Bible is explicit when it comes to sex. Sex is holy and there is no prescribed style in bed.
Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the missionary position is the only sexual style. Who said that?
Not discussing sex in a relationship leads to divorce. Pastor Khathide has counseled women who've complained: "my husband treats me as if I were his brother". There was one who told him: "I am tired of getting sex fortnightly, like a salary."
Khathide told her she was lucky to be getting sex fortnightly, since some get it on big days, like Elections, or Valentine's day, or 2-day holiday in Miami!.
Many husbands leave their wives to seek sexual pleasures in brothels. Have u ever asked yourself what those wives have that you don't have. You don't satisfy him! You just become passive and sleep still and unresponsive.
Wives have become very frigid and even sleep with their panties. Take panties off! If u're a married woman, u should sleep naked and let your bum touch your husband's. And let his penis rub your bums! Today you find men going out of their way to get a glimpse of a vagina. They page through magazines and even go to lingerie departments in stores hoping to see what's hidden under panties, because their wives hide it from them. Marriage is about being free with your body in front of your partner. A woman should parade naked and do some modelling to tempt her husband. Seduce your husband! There are many married women who don't know what their husbands' penises look like. They only feel it when he enters them. They've never seen it or let alone touch it, because the husband switches off the lights before undressing. What are you afraid for, poor man! A penis is a wife's toy - she is supposed to play with it. Couples should be blamed for not making time for sex and complaining about being tired after a day's work. U finds many couples who've been sexually starved for years. What do they do - they divorce!! God created sex for procreation and also for pleasure. You can't marry and not have a good time in bed. WHO SAID U CAN ONLY HAVE SEX AT NIGHT? Why can't u drive home during lunch and have a quickie with your wife? We're all equal in sex - it's not just about a woman satisfying a man. You have to satisfy each other. Have u ever seen a woman who has been satisfied? Have u noticed how she glows and becomes energetic?
May the Lord Bless you! This is the "Whole Truth Nothing But The Truth" so God Helped Us From The Beginning". So lets enjoy