If your email account is not restricted from receiving junk mail, one thing that you are sure to get is an advert on " gaining 3 inches more" or something along those lines. The issue is that here in the western world, they are portraying the size of a man's manhood as the key to a woman's sexual satisfaction. Unfortunately, this point is not scientifically/medically backed. Scientifically, it is claimed that any man who gets a 2" boner is able to satisfy any woman. The myth therefore remains. Does size really matter? Any first hand informants on the forum?
Have you had complaints from your partner or something? People, please use common sense when posting on this forum. Do not just post for the sake of posting.
Montana, mwina ndilembe mchinyanja, kuti zimveke. Choyamba, sikuti munthu akatumiza article, ndiye kuti zinthu zalembedwazo zayenera kumukhudza iyeyo. Iyi ndi general forum, ndiye osamapanga "personalise" chili chonse chimene chaikidwa pano. Ngati mumafuna yankho lafunso lanu, ine ndilibe vuto ndi partner wanga.
Chachiwiri, anthu ngati iweyo mupha forum imeneyi. You are overly critical. Who said everything that is posted here must meet your standards...the Tony Montana standards? Are you the moderator of this forum? The most civilised thing to do when an article has not impressed you is to let it pass without your comment. See the number of people who view an article and those who contribute. You will see that most will just view without commenting. That's the level of civilisation that is expected on these forums. Sitinasankhe anthu oti azitiuza what is common sense and what is not!
The idea of the article is to look at the "myth" that is circulating around. That's why I asked if there anyone with first hand information?
a montana vuto lanu ndi chiyani ? ifetu kwatsala tiziopa kuyambisa topic pano ,chifukwa cha anthu ngati inu.straight fire akupeleka maganizo ake sakunena kuti ali ndi vuto lili lonse pa chilengedwe cha mu trouser mwake.
Isn't everyone entitled to their opinion? When you post something on this forum you should expect to be criticized. There is nothing wrong with criticism. I was not trying to tell you what to do when I said people should use common sense when posting on this forum. I was just expressing my opinion.
Don't use me as an escuse. If your limited intellect prevents you from contributing on this forum then don't contribute. But please don't try to present Montana as some type of bully. Whether you choose to post or not is up to you. I am not your father and I do not dictate what you do in life. You are your own person and you should not be afraid of anyone.
Mailosi, your opinion regarding size doesn't count since you say you are a lesbian.
straightfire u know what....In my opinion, SIZE doesnt matter @ all... You can have a small one that lasts 45 minutes...and u can have a BIG one that lasts 5 minutes... Its all about how you work it....ent that right!!!
Its the second best thing you can do with your lips......
hey ya'll size is important the man who has a big penis just thank God and learn how to use it. There also some men who have the big one dont even know how to use it and cant satisfy a woman, then there those with a small dick but know how to work it and can satisfy a woman. So when it comes to sex and being satisfied it depends on the person not the size although some women would prefer that huge dick if ya'll know what i mean.
well my man has big one and know how to work it so i know that am blessed
The finest senorita on the block
Jesus is the answer for the world today and above him there is no other