Correction pliz- this email came from the vines and is doing the rounds and I just thought I should post it here. She didn't do this to me but somebody else in Joburg. Azimuna chenjerani naye tsikanayu, ndi sweet-talker wina wake.
Before you start condemning make sure have that you have established that this is indeed true and it really happened, it could be that whoever started circulating this letter had issues with Dorah. By the way, I dont know Dorah but I am just giving her the benefit of a doubt, I think we deserve that.
Can someone especially the guys down South blow the trumpet to her I mean Sis Dora that she is being discussed on this forum and that she should come to defend, tell us nothing but true so help her God, represent herself to these accusations?
Mailosi now tell us the whole story what really happened we want to hear now.