No digg, but it sucks every time I hear some graduate from UK/USA colleges miserably moaning about finding less paying jobs (under-employment) or engaged into no jobs at all once back at home. And they despise it so much such that they preach about re-migrating making believe everyone around that Malawi is in a hopeless social-economic state with no employment prospects for them. My view is that of course everyone should be in a constant state of education. Education truly is power, and there is no greater threat to humanity than ignorance. However, your college isn't about a job at hand or fatter finances when you return home. If that's the reason you're going to college in UK/USA , you're an IDIOT. Getting an EDUCATION is about gaining knowledge and getting a better appreciation for life and the world outside of your little circle of friends.College isn't all about making a bunch of money when you get out . Rather it is about furthering yourself as a person, making lifelong friends and connections, and having the best time of your life. On another hand I believe most of you might not need degree but simply talent having been soaked into an international culture. Yes, attending those colleges is not the only way of getting somewhere in this country, starting your own business requires nothing except an idea and hard work you have acclimatised yourself whilst there, and if your business takes off? You are considered a success and rich! Also, starting at the bottom and climbing a ladder requires nothing virtually (you start at the very bottom after all) but you have a disease of showing-off.Food for thought: If you treat college as some sort of "job training", why don't you just ****ing go to TEVET or some similar vocational school? That's what they do there -- they TRAIN you for a specific job, and then you get out and apply for that job and use the resources you gained in your TRAINING. Why go to a 2/4-year college and moan all your life for not getting a desired job?? "Never let school interfere with your education".
It does not make sense to land a job in Malawi and expect to make the same perks as those in the west, fortunately you can live the same or even better life style in Malawi with less income. As a graduate from a 4 yr college in the US i noted that by being in the west its all about experince.
For those that moan about under employment; they should put themselves in positions that they can innovate and create the so called high paying jobs otherwise they need to shut up. Its either they work their way to the top or create an enterprise where they can be on top.
All i can say is that i went to college to know how to spend and save money and not necessarily how to make it. To me Malawi is not a dump, it has a lot of potential and a lot of people have done very very well. I look forward to the day I come back to contribute to Mother Nyasa.