A year or so ago, Bingu wa Munthali opened a hospital in Thyolo which was built during the Muluzi administration and its funding was sourced by that administration. However, the impression which was created during the openning cermony was that its the Bingu Administration which ochestrated the bulding of this magnifcant hospital....and the Atcheya' effort was never acknowledged.
On 19th of this month, the Leader of Opposition John Zenas Ungape Tembo was booed by the DPP supporters (Bingu women, Anyamata a Bingu, Ministers etc) when he made a remark during the opening cermony of Secondary Centres Development Programme (SCDP) facilities which was being funded by the Germany Government in Dedza district, the home base of JZU. The programme purpose was to enhence livelihood in District assemblies so some assemblies were chosen to bennifit from this programme and Dedza was one of them (dont ask me about the criteria), This was encopassing Stadiums, Market, Bus Stage etc. and of coz some districts have already beniffited from this ie Balaka, Kasungu, Karonga, Luchenza etc.
He was simply saying the truth at the function when he was given the podium to speak that the programme was innitiated by the MCP Government in 1985, not the Bingu's administration as some officials were potraying it as such. This angered the supporters to such an extent that some foul languages were being poured on him just to interject him. However, Tembos claim was supported by the Minister of Local Government Chaponda who said indeed the project was started during the MCP rule in 1985 and that Tembo and Ngwazi were the signotories to the agreement.
Now ladies and Gentlemen, whats wrong with just accepting that a particular project was innitiated by an opposition party, though being officially opened by the incumbent? Besides, we all know JZU, he might want to strike back at a wrong time, thus in pariament.
He was simply saying the truth ..., we all know JZU, he might want to strike back at a wrong time, thus in pariament.
If he does strike back in Parliament, Where is he getting the funds for the roads he was pleading for consideration Bvuto la JZU he thinks he can manipulate Malawians. Why can't he just say THANK YOU Moya. Sorry!!!!
Thanking Moya for something he and Ngwazi worked hard to get in 1985 when Bingu was somewhere doing other things? The time when he might say thank you Moya is when the roads he was asking/pleading during the Dedza rally from Bingu are constructed in his consituency? The point being raised therein the posting was the tendency by the DPP leadership not to acknowledge other peoples work, more especially to those who are currently active in local politics and Thyolo hospital has been given as an example of this growing tendency!!
If Bakili wins the presidency, he will also get credit for the developments that Bingu is starting now. You don't expect him to stand on a podium and praise Moya for that.
Black Moses, I cannot read past your first sentence,do you not know the president's name?Bingu wa Munthali?This is how people get in trouble man.How accurate is the rest of the story?
RE: SCDP Facilities, the aftermath -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANYAZI WROTE: Black Moses, I cannot read past your first sentence,do you not know the president's name?Bingu wa Munthali?This is how people get in trouble man.How accurate is the rest of the story?
NGWAZI, atleast you should be scrutinising some of these guys b4 they come on the forum. Some of these guys have a smell of NIB officials in thier arquments! I mean its quiet obvious that it was a slip of finger on the keyboard, and this "character Manyazi" brought it out as an issue to intimidate my very solid soul, to silence my political reasoning and observation, to murder my very birthlight of free speach in a free world. TAPITANI MUZIKASAKA MA MAFIA BOSS osakhala the innocent BlackMoses!!