Husband and wife are are at the new traffic lights in Mzuzu awaiting their turn to cross over.
Husband, slightly more knowledgeable about the traffic lights goings on goes:
Mwanakazi wane, tilindizge dankha pano. (My wife let us wait here). Wife: Enya afumubane (Yes my husband) Then comes the "green boy"
Hubby: Sono ni nyengo ya banalume pera, imwe mulindize dankha kuti pize kamunthu kanakazi apo. (Now it is time for me only, you my wife, wait for the female sign to come up)..
Wife: Enya a fumubane, imwe dangirani nitimusanganinge. (yes my husband,proceed ahead and i will catch up as soon as i am permitted to cross over)
Hubby crosses over
To their surprise, no female sign comes up and the two are on the opposite sides of the road.
Wife: Sono ine nijumphenge apa, pakuba nge mpha banalume pera pano (Will I be able to cross here, it seems this place is only for men).
The couple spent the whole day there awaiting a female sign for the lady to cross.
-- Edited by Ngwazi at 11:46, 2007-04-06
For have I now become your enemy for telling you the truth?-Galatians 4 v16.