Well, well, well, wasn't I branded as a Lucius Hater, just cos I expressed my doubts 'bout the Honourable MP's trip to the US during Independence celebrations. Unfortunately, Malawi News don't have a website but please my dear brothers and sistas, refer tO the earlier submission by Voice from Home under the topic Lucius Banda, Yer Right. The Honourable MP's interview was featured in this week's edition of Malawi News paper where he indicated that he is NOT COMING to the States. Although he confirmed his invitation which was extended to him to come and perform he said he was only offered accomodation and food (Mickey D's) and that he was supposed to foot the air ticket tab himself, which he said can't do at the moment. He further indicated that it would be impossible for him to travel at this moment since he has to prepare for the upcoming budget session in August. Well, does this ring a dong or just a bell?
Anyway on the sweet note, them other guys, Kasipa & Co are very, very, very, and I mean very willing to come and perform. All they need is a little boost in their pockets for the airtickets and all the travel requirements. So as a fellow countryman here's what I propose, let's hold a fund raising dinner dance this weekend and wire the money to the guys. I couldn't agree with you more, "A PARTY AIN'T A MALAWIAN PARTY WITHOUT A MALAWIAN BAND." MUCH LUV, YA'ALL.
Indiana organisers could you please update us on this issue. So so def and voice from home might be hating but at the same time they might be right. Is this true or not, please dont dissapoint us last minute we only have 10 days Tibweredi? chifukwa ma plan anga sanali opita kulikonse koma ndinatengeka ndi gigi ya ku andiamo moti ndagula kale T - shirt yoti andisainile auotogragh.
Apparently the organizers of the 6 july events in Indiana are in two groups those trying to bring in the singers and those organizing the regular events, Austin Joyo and Tiwonge Mhango are in the former group and they still insist that there is still a good chance that they can bring in the singers minus Lucius Banda. Whatever the case they have promised to inform the general public at least one week in advance. Their numbers are 574 514 4266 or 574 272 8245
Anyways people, whether we are having Lucius or Ngumuya at our parties all I wanna say is have fun and enjoyselves. Just remember to have a designated driver with you or $10 won't hurt for a cab than bail money. Another word, this specially to all my fellow brothas (tismangonena 'bout sistas only) please take some rain checks before we show off our boxers. Man, last year during same celebrations in Bend, this brotha from Show Me State had his FUBU boxers but once you see his rear view there were yellow skid marks, daaaamn, guess nigga had spicy food. Please if regular tissue alone can't do it, go for Wet Ones, they really work.
Much Luv ya'all. Oh, by the way, Washington, with all due respect, mungasuntheko pang'ono, mwatchinga ka program ka ATL kaja.
Sorry my connection was down so i couldnt tell this in good time. The Malawi News of last weekend reported that the other musicians minus Lucius finally got a donor for tickets(Who else apart from Muluzi) and they were scheduled to leave Wed 30/06/04. So all being well you guys are in for a jam from home. Watch out for Fuggie Kasipa and the guitar wizadry of Joseph Tembo.