Are men and women indeed created equal or is it just a fallacy or just some propaganda? What does the Genesis story of Adam and Eve tell us about this issue?
Be reasonable and don't bring your wrath on me when debating this topic.
Zee wrote: Are men and women indeed created equal or is it just a fallacy or just some propaganda? What does the Genesis story of Adam and Eve tell us about this issue? Be reasonable and don't bring your wrath on me when debating this topic.
Nothing. Adam & Eve is a fairy-tale. A Jewish fable that for certain historical reasons was elevated to the status of fact (surprising still in this century).
There was no "creation" of humans from each other. We are products of millions of years in the making - still in the making - that have ancestry from other forms that didn't look like this. We have to acknowledge that to take the Adam & Eve story as some kind of fact is to be foolish in the face of all this evidence to the contrary.
On a metaphoric level however, which might have been a good idea to take this creation story (also irrelevant in this century considering the achievements of feminism and gender equality), men, being the stronger (physically) sex most definitely wrote the story as a way of solidifying their position. By ascertaining that their dominance was a result of divine proposal made it unquestionable and unchallenged for centuries.
Scientific breakthrough however has made it all into a fallacy. We live in a culture that has men's dominant position challenged and I must say, a great deal of men seem to take offence to that. Since physical strength is becoming less of a prerequisite to survival, his physical position is hardly important in that respect. Not even in sexual reproduction/fufillment.
So yes, in this day and age, it IS just a fallacy.
There was no "creation" of humans from each other.
i wouldnt agree with you on this one abres,but anyways considering you dont believe in the bible i wouldnt want to convince you any further!
come to think of it,dont you think creating eve from adam was 'mega' cloning???cos he took a rib from adam and then created eve,this is essentially wot happens in any type of cloning....takin human tissue/stem cells from one living organism to create another organism
Aw c'mon Jones, you are a scientist. It is inconcievable that anyone still believes in Adam & Eve. For one, if you believe biblical record then the earth is roughly 6000 years old. Within that period of time we've had multiple races and the population has increased to 6 billion people. Pretty much an impossiblity.
I'm afraid of any scientist who can claim that Adam & Eve is anything but utter rubbish.
Try as hard as you might, but your "beliefs" cannot be honestly reconciled with your scientific knowledge no matter how much you try.
Take for instance all those claims put forth in the bible. The talking animals, the food falling from the sky, the sun "standing still" and all that fantasy. It is the equivalent of taking Harry Potter as historical fact. Or Alice in Wonderland as an actual event in history.
Don't let your so-called beliefs prejudice your years of knowledge and evidence based practice. I mean if you went to tell your lecturers that some treatment you're giving would work not because you have evidence for it but because you "believe" I don't think they'll find it amusing. We live in a world of FACT. Whether one choses to "believe" or have "faith" is their own business. But peddling it as some sort of truth and badgering feeble minded people into accepting it because they are afraid of the "wrath of God" or of going to hell is not only the epitome of the evil that it purports to abolish, but also recklessly unfair to the uneducated in any society.
Preachers should know better. You Jones_1 should know better. Your a college graduate for chrissakes! Leave the "belief" to superstitious old ladies in the village and examine the FACTS like you do in your studies. You can't spend your days in the lab or ward carefully analysing evidence and doing research only to throw caution to the wind when it comes to applying the same analysis to what you call your "belief". If you did you wouldn't have them anymore.
You're afraid of hell or what? Or that God would punish you?
Well, I have news for you. There's isn't one. The Bible is a collection of Jewish fables, Jesus was not actually a historical figure contrary to what billions of people believe, there's no historical evidence for Moses or Israelites in Egypt, or Abraham. And not only is the bible recklessly homicidal, it is also responsible for uncountable acts of cruelty and not to mention the basis for the apartheid in Palestine, the Spanish Inquisition, Salem Witch trials, Missionaries in Africa, George W Bush and countless number of hate filled TV evangelist con-men. Oh. And the Vatican.
If religion can cure AIDS or invent Video conferencing I might change my mind... But in this day and age, what is it good for? Absolutely Nothing!
I mean if you went to tell your lecturers that some treatment you're giving would work not because you have evidence for it but because you "believe" I don't think they'll find it amusing.
You know, I distrust people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice that is always conveniently coincides with their own desires.
On this forum alone people like Pope, Chichi (wonder where she is), even my man Game, are all to quick at quoting God adn the supernatural. Ask them how hey know about this they always say "well, they just believe". That's all too good but in my field, and yours especially Jones_1, that's not enough.
The reason you are a medical student is because of your superior intellectual skills. And like I tell all my scientist mates, your religion couldn't stand the same scrutiny that your profession is subject to.