Guys we grew up with our parents who believed in the African culture and others in christianity but it seems like most of us belong no where.They used to tell us about their beliefs which influenced our lives and some how made us better people. Now my big question is how are we going to grow our children?
SUN GODDE'SS (The Earth Mother , Queen of Africa and Warrior Activist and Conqueror Ancestral Spirit and Revolutionary Mayibuye!)
According to the wahsington Post recent African immigrants in the US in the next generation will be absorbed in to the African American community. we are not very good at holding on to ourcultre b/c we have been told that it is something not to be proud of, in fact we tell eachother directly or indirectly the same thing .. we wont be like the Italians, r greeks, or Indains that retain the major parts of theri cultrue, we literally get Melted in the Melting pots we make our homes... sad but true..
right now in Malawi there is no moral or social guidence. Post one-party rule has not had an easy transition. Where there was lawr and order, there is none. where the youth would listen to the elders, there is no such thing, and where there is a national consceince or mindset there is none. Malawi is becoming a country with no guidence. not from the govt, churches, parent , no one. Democracy does not mean do whatever. This is what people think. young malawian growing up in Malwi are no longer repsecting culture b/c it is a democracy... Im not saying all culture in Malawi is good (like Virginity testing ), but there are aspects that we need to retain.
I ask a simple question. How can you define "Malawi culture"? Is there anything that differentiates it from Zambia, Zim or South?
Another thing. Culture is fluid. What you call Itallian culture or Greek is a blend of countless other cultures. Even that changes with the years.
The reason for youth changing in society is more of an ecomomical one. Say for instance if you chart the rise of the youth culture it arises from the fact that youths gain economic dependance and hence the are targeted by the market. The market in return modifies taste in music clothes and stuff. Meet a group of young people and all they talk about it music and clothes etc.
The media has created a niche in the market. And unfortunately this message comes with defiance and irresponsibility. But that is normal. Some say even healthy as it gives them the sense of independence that they need as adults in the modern society. (Debatable of course).
Do we need social guidance. Yes of course we do. In Africa it has to come from a political source as well... (to be continued)