Do u remember back in the days when we there was all this lingo and never stopped wondering kuti amayambitsa ndani – I don’t think there is much of this kind nowadays
Mother - masteni
Grandmother - gogosteni
Food - phwanya, nyovunyovu, mmela
Eating - kuphwanya, kunyovulila
Mkazi as in girl - Dona, tchuki, phujex, shura, bebi, biya, minga
other - kutcheka, yalo, kukhwana manyi, ulusi, mphasha, maluzi, tuvituvi, manyi manyi, kufoile, by zwee, tchayi,
the list goes on, we could use all this ndikumamvana bwino bwino!!! And you could only use this ku school, kocheza kufika kunyumba the voca had to change!
"Give me a woman who loves beer and I'll conquer the world"... Kaiser Wilhelm