A question for you honey , why are you so concerned about other peoples bussiness ?? are you getting paid to snoop around and air peoples affairs or what ? Gal tthey are more important things to talk about than other peoples bussiness . Am asking you to please let go this wedding issues , you dont have the right to do that at all its wrong .
if these people wanted to announce their plans am sure they would have done so themselves
kumeneku timati kukonda zinthu
SUN GODDE'SS (The Earth Mother , Queen of Africa and Warrior Activist and Conqueror Ancestral Spirit and Revolutionary Mayibuye!)
Mai , mwina mukawelenganso bwinobwino mu mvetsa bwino
why does she feel oblidged to tell the whole world about anthu ena ?? thats my question
if she has been given a bolloks like she said in one of her writtings , it obviously means that eni akewo are not happy being discussed on a chat forum , am sure if they wanted to akananena okha, thats my point , Hense the Term Privacey !!!! Make sense Honey
am not saying kuti walakwa am just saying she dont have the right period !!
SUN GODDE'SS (The Earth Mother , Queen of Africa and Warrior Activist and Conqueror Ancestral Spirit and Revolutionary Mayibuye!)
Amdala , of course ndikulalata , talking to a kid ?? well by the look of things maybe iam anthu amakonda zinthu , ati achitire jinks chikwati cha eni apa *Kiss*
I'm not about to jinks anyones wedding. If there are doubts involved it ain't me.
Miss Thang
"To educate a man is to educate an individual but to educate a woman is to educate a whole nation and people" MALCOM X
Miss Thang girlfriend, I don't see why peeps are all worked out here. Actually to me I took it as you are just wishing them folks well and I've tried to re-read your postings on this topic I still can't find any dissing air, to me you just sounded like somebody who is glad that some couple she knows are getting married. Though I don't know you guys but moi just wishing you all the best.
Lady B, relax gal, no need puffing air all over your nose and ears like that for something which is not yet anything, unless muchita kuyambitsa ndiye ndinu, tikudabwa kuti is there something going on we don't know?
Miss Thang , i know you meant well , i appologise for coming across so agressivley and just for your info , they are no doubts at all. my point is however somethings are better left alone
I'd just like to say sorry to Lady B for offending her (altough i don't know why she's so offended)
Offended i was cos i am the one getting married , not everyone amafunira zabwino anthu , you of all people should know that
Brandy 1 of course am relaxed and nothing is going on that you dont know
Basi zatha , i guess am also getting wedding jitters
SUN GODDE'SS (The Earth Mother , Queen of Africa and Warrior Activist and Conqueror Ancestral Spirit and Revolutionary Mayibuye!)
lady B first of all i would say congraturations for the coming wedding ! another thing i wanted to say was ,you could have saved pipo from talking ,suggesting,mismatching if you just came out at the first place. i understand some pipo like privacy, but i would think a wedding is somehting to be proud of, and since we chart on this forum we consider you to be a friend ,and maybe some of us would like to come to your wedding or if we are not invited would like to send you good wishes i belive it works that way, anyway since now we know its you whose getting married so whos the lucky guy ?
sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great.You can be that great generation"Nelson Mandela 2005
Hey Lady B, congrats once again I remember sometime back you said something like this: "I have met the man of my dreams and am happy , i never thought that love did exist , i have found and am happy, you want tips Hollar." and it never clicked when you were getting high with Miss Thang. All the same, relax and take it easy, it's your thing and it's only you who can make it the way you want it, this is something which comes once in a lifetime (though ena amakwatira kasanu, but it's never like the first one). Am happy for you girl, may be I may join the wagon too myself, it seems like that's the In Thing now. Tibwera konko tidzachite BEVU!!
Amdala, izi ndizakukaya, mmene tichitila pachikwati, something like kufupa/kusupa ndalama, ohhh well let's just say like pelekanipelekani, but you do it in a cute style. I will invite you to my wedding chikadzakhalapo, ok?