one good topic is better then a thousand ones about the same thing - we become parrots , repeating ourselves over and over again. Please consolidate topics guys there is no need for the MJ topic twice and the Bingu Mybach topic twice either. thank you. sometimes it happens accidently , but please read other topics before u start ur own on same topic.
ine nakhala nikuyankhula kui pabwalo pano pali wanthu wena amafuna kuwonetsa ngati iwo mbozindikira you know my brother , they come up of somethingelse different , why . ? why when the topi is very good indeed? why? Please let them be chased away adzipita kumapili. Iwe di nde mzanga basi chifukwa umabwera ndi vchilungamo ngatiso uyu etchwef. Kodi ife amalawi mbotani kodi? mphuno bii ! ndi ndemanga ina ina isanathe zoona . Tiyeni tivote le ansabwe ena achok pano . Mandondocha pano alipo: kodi game niyani? Sepusepo is who ? chabwino ine nifufuza ndipo sabata lamaw nilemba za adama enanso . Nifufuza kuika chinthunzi chano pano. Ine ndi nsabwe zanu yu put me here ,stupoid eti