Muluzi is one funny guy when it comes to politicking. The national broadcaster has been airing and discussing the former President's speeches praising the incumbent. He has been calling the national caster names including telling us that this is DPP propaganda. I would like to vehemently deny it to be such. People, if you remember Tcheya used the MUNGANYA's speeches to win the 1999 elections. Why is crying now? Is it water under the bridge that a youngman answering to the name Solobala was clobbered by Mwana wa Mphenzi. The people at the broadcasting house have told me this is just a starter the main dish will be unleashed soon.
Stick around for more.
_______________________________________________ Dedicated the truth, honour and freedom
anthuni, let us look at this soberly and consider the consequences of these actions. mbc is airing those speeches with orders from above and this is having a negative effect on the already sour relationship between bingu and muluzi. i was reading the other day that bingu want's to open up dialogue between mugabe and his opponent in zimbabwe. well, is he capable of bringing the warring factions together in zimbabwe if he can not do it in his own country? he seem to be fuelling this feud! charity begins at home!
Lest we forget, there were some sympathisers of UDF during Muluzi's reign at M.B.C, where are they now? Remember Eunice Chipangula? If someone comes to power, for instance, Muluzi himself, do you think he will let the MBC staff to stay there? Nkasa sang "kumbuyo nkwabwino, kutsogolonso kwabwino." Nkhonya yobwenzera kuwawa and that is exactly what Muluzi is experiencing now. I listened to the speeches and it was full of praising Bingu and castgating Gwanda and Brown. Mawu a ndithendithe Muluzi akulira nawo
I acquired knowledge because I study, I acquired wisdom because I observe
ukakwatiwa kwa mphenzi usamaopa ...................
The extract of the Iron Lady's speech in response to Muluzi's bashing of the MBC, I've liked this part :
However, at a press briefing in Blantyre, Kaliati disputed that MBC is playing the tapes as a propaganda for DPP. She said MBC has opened air-waves to the opposition and wondered why Muluzi was complaining about the issue. They have been complaining that MBC is not opening up to the opposition. Let us salute MBC for what it is doing. Today, people are able to hear all voices of our heads of State, the incumbent and that of the former [leader]. We want to prove to him that we are champions of democracy in this country. He failed to open up to the opposition and we are doing that. It is not propaganda. Truth pains. There is truth in what is being re-broadcast. We are only reminding people of what he used to say, said Kaliati, who is also national director of women affairs in DPP.
" when there is a hill to climb, dont think waiting will make it smaller"
This lady can answer any question fired at her. Reminds me of 'the computer', Ntaba in those old days during Baba Mukulu's reign. The extract above left me laughing, thinking we got another computer here.
" when there is a hill to climb, dont think waiting will make it smaller"
people are at their weakest when they are fighting amongst themselves. instead of vesting their energies on bettering their lives and others they waste precious time trying to bring each other down. here we have two elephants at war, who will bear the blunt end in all this? surely not the ones fighting!
You're right Studa, but you have to admit that it's lovely that Atcheya's words, or more correctly, garbage (some would say b**ls**t) have come back to haunt him. Poetic justice I'd say.
true, this can be also a lesson for others to wacth their mouths on the public domain as whatever they say is likely to be utilised against them sooner or later.
This lady can answer any question fired at her. Reminds me of 'the computer', Ntaba in those old days during Baba Mukulu's reign. The extract above left me laughing, thinking we got another computer here.
It takes no talent what so ever to shout insults or be sarcastic in the press. If you ask me, I'd rather she stays quiet whenever she has nothing of consequence to say.
This woman sometimes has problems in getting the message through, rantings and temperamental press conference will not help matters. Muluzi is just getting what he sowed i heard his speech dzulo its not a big deal but it bites so what this madame Kaliati needs to do is slow down for 2009. A tip to Muluzi comparing unlike with like will never work, to a villager like you and me sober up and vote wisely.
"Gimme the weed and i will get high for i have not failed but discovered ways that just dont work"
As others have rightly said,what goes around comes back around.No one should feel sorry for Muluzi today,he did the same with the opposition and when the opposition was calling for the liberalisation of the airwaves and deregulation of the MBC act he refused,lero akulira pyoooo.
Actually MBC is doing well to show how much of a hypocrite Muluzi is.But then Bingu should remember that if he does not "free"MBC before he leaves office then the same measure will be applied to him,thats Malawi politics unfortunately.
Bingiza will remember that when we were in Std 8 at Lilongwe Boys many years ago,we had a teacher by the name of Kambwiri(may his soul RIP)who also happened to be the class master,he gave instructions to the whole class that whenever someone was making noise,the nearest person to the noisy one adzimukhoma.My god,it was funny and good when you were doing that kwawina but when you were on the receiveing end of a serious nkhonya,it was very bad and painful that two or three times people nearly fought and when someone we called"nkhwinko"(no names!)was given a proper hammering by Samuel in vengeance,the system had to be stopped.Unfortunately this seems to be the case with our politicians today,using the MBC to castigate and attack each other and until one decides to change the governments stranglehold on the MBC then adzikhomana chonchi and ife tizionelela!
For have I now become your enemy for telling you the truth?-Galatians 4 v16.
News reaching me say that Muluzi is now contemplating of having a breather in UK. He has realised that he will never match Chitsulo cha Njanji!!!!!! Have you ever heard of buying Iron sheets and other accessories using a mere coupon. Believe you me Malawi will never be the same after ten years. Wina athawadi! Ndale zafika pa N'nong'a. Now Jumbe is also eyeing the next Cabinet reshuffle after realising that Palije chawo.
_________________________________________________________________ Dedicated to truth, honour and freedom