Having sex with a 13 year old could be regarded as defilement in the laws of Malawi. Some people say it is sickening and degrading to humanity, especially to the girl child, but the opinion of a 13-year-old girl who was courted by a principal of a an orphanage at the age of nine differs. She just wishes her man William Chaima, was freed. I know he wronged me, but I love him and wish he could be released so that he goes back to his family. I will have nothing to do with him after his release. I will just concentrate on my education so that I continue and become a nurse, said the standard five pupil this week. The girl told Nation On Sunday that Chaima who she calls Bishop, approached her parents when she was just nine years old and told them he wanted to help her and other siblings with all basic needs. He could bring relish, and stationery and we all accepted and were grateful but he never slept at the house, recalled the girl with a sharp and clever voice. But not all days are Sundays. One day Chaima turned up late and was forced to spend the night there. He slept in a room with the girl, her twin sister and other five children. When he woke up in the morning he said he had noted that the room was small, so he gave my mother K500 to build another hut where the other children could sleep. When the hut was completed, he came. I and my twin sister were supposed to sleep with the Bishop in the new hut, but my sister refused so I went in alone. That is the night I first had sex with him. Anandiuza kuti ndikukufuna ndipo ndinati palibe kanthu(He told me he wanted me and I said it was okay,) said the girl with difficulties after witnessing court hearing on the defilement case. However, Machinga police spokesperson Joseph Sauka, said the girl told the court that she turned down the mans advances during the first days until he defiled her one night when the two slept in the house Chaima had helped the family build. Said the girl of Sauka; I just discovered him on top of me in the middle of the night and since that day I gave in because he had spoiled me already. The girls mother, said she was ignorant of the affair between the man and her daughter. He was once my husbands boss. He told us he helps many needy children and offered to help our family. We accepted. Anangoti tidzaona patsogolo (He just said we will see what to do in future). He then helped us to build a house with K500 and I added another K500 for the house to be completed. I was therefore shocked and surprised when I heard he was having sex with my child. My daughter never mentioned this to me, said the woman. Chaima told Nation on Sunday three weeks ago that his affair with the girl was formalised by her parents themselves and that he built her a house and owned a farm at the village. I was happy and I think she was happy too, said Chaima. Maria Namabande, a Forum for African Women Educationalists in Malawi (FAWEMA) member who alerted police about the affair said the issue was disappointing and a big disgrace. The girl explained that the man had been proposing love to her for a long time until he defiled her one night. I dont think she loves him. She is just a child, she does not really know or understand love. When recently she disappeared she told us that she was running away from this same man. Can we say then that she loves him? No., we need to help this child. Namabande regretted that the parents seemed not to realise that something was amiss when the girl was left to spend a night with the man. It is unfortunate that some parents choose to ignore the affairs of their children. This girl is very bright in class and all the parent does is allow a man to abuse her. At the moment the girl is receiving treatment at Banja La Mtsogolo as she has contracted a Sexually Transmitted Illness (STI) and discharges puss from her private parts, said Namabande whose organisation is helping the girl overcome the ordeal, put it behind and live a positive life again.
why buy a woman a watch, when there is a clock on the oven?
there is absolutely no conflict of interest here. the judgement of the girl can be easily swayed due to her age. she has no idea what she has fallen into and she can not comprehend the full consequences. it is more likely that the man has passed on that kantekerous disease to this little girl since nowadays if you get a sti, there is a very high probability of its presence there. now this girl may not live to fulfil her dreams and become a nurse. it is the girls parents that should carry the blame because they chose a quick way to get some bucks at the expense of their child. she would have made their lives comfortable later on in life. i think the statement made was influienced by the parents as well, too bad this occurs almost everyday and it goes unchecked.