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Jack, Come on now. Why are you baby sitting people on this forumn. Isn't what you posted common sense. We have smart and intelligent people on this forumn and please do not insult their intelligence. There is no mistake. Up in this place, you are the one who runs ****. We are all benefactors and that should be made clear.
quote: Originally posted by: Ayatollah "Jack, Come on now. Why are you baby sitting people on this forumn. Isn't what you posted common sense. We have smart and intelligent people on this forumn and please do not insult their intelligence. There is no mistake. Up in this place, you are the one who runs ****. We are all benefactors and that should be made clear. "
Exactly my point, whatever views people express on this forum should not be seen as necessarily my opinion. If some people feel offended by some articles on this forum then they have a choice of either replying and giving their side of story or write me and ask to have the article removed. Otherwise, I am for free speech as long as we dont abuse it and we do respect other people's privacy, well at least to a certain extent. And for your own information, Ayatollah, I remove the articles only when asked by either of the parties involved and it is not a question of babysitting anyone like you said. Thanks for your comment though.