I have met this gentleman few times and to be frank he looks humble and timid.I couldnt expect him to be a boxer or let alone a woman beater.I am shocked to hear he went and beat up Kashoti of Daily Times just because he was associated with his brothers murder case,not that he was involved but he was seen tryingt to get the side of story from policemen,which I feel is normal. Though the issue is in court I need your views.This Njovuyalema is vying to rule this country at one time,he is our PAC chairman (controversial one) who has tried hard to hit at Bingus appointments.Someone told me that he was once a ruthless kaamuzu policeman.Zili mu blood....
If Iam not for myself,who will be for me?And if Iam only for myself,what am I?
I am not trying to defend Njobvuyalema but I feel the way Kashoti wrote his article implied that the Honourable gentleman and not his brother was responsible.In the Malawian political culture,we have what is called "Politics of Kuthana",literally meaning that most people try to end the political careers of others by "framing" them leading into imprisonment(a la kamuzu time!),economic stangulation whereby the kill your business by closing all avenues(a la Muluzi time!-ask Rolf Patel) and recently "manong'onong'o" followed by arrests(Bingu style!).Kashoti went for "sensationalism"by linking the MPs name to such a cruel act of murder with such a title.Murders have been taking place in the country and all what the newspapers write is-Kasungu man kills his wife or Mchinji man caught with private parts,why did Dick Kashoti write an article with a heading like that if it werent meant to tarnish or affect the MP?
I do have a problem with your saying that he is the "contoversial chairman" who has tried hard to hit at Bingus appointments.I feel this is making him look like a demon and actually you are taking a position,a biased one against him because all what he does is to report what the Public Appointments Commitee of parliament has done.He is only the Chairman and things that happen there are by consensus and its not him as a person who rejects such appointments but the commitee as a whole,so lets not apportion the blame to him,lets not be Malawiana Dick Kashotis!
About him ruling the country,well we all wish we were millionaires,we all wish we had lots of money or even won the lottery,but its just that ,wishes!but no one can stop you from dreaming and wishing,its the reality that is a different animal altogether!
-- Edited by Ngwazi at 17:20, 2007-02-12
For have I now become your enemy for telling you the truth?-Galatians 4 v16.
Ngwazi,was the issue about the heading or the presence at the police station.Secondly had you followed his comments aafter most interviews you would have a better side of him,but still more I got your views.
If Iam not for myself,who will be for me?And if Iam only for myself,what am I?
Kwanti odalawa Odabadwa munthu wovuta, chifukwa tikati tifufuze mbiri zawo ndi zowopsa even nkhope yawo explains who he is and what he is thinking in his mind
guys, Do you realy except a whole pariamentaloly committee (PAC) just to be rubber stamping appointments of the executive? Nope. Infact, i believe its only under the leadership of Josephy NjobvuYalema that PAC has really stinged the executive. I mean even b4 the president decides to make an appointment, he sits and critically examin the candidates before submission of the same to PAC. Has that ever happened during the previous regimes. I believe the few rejections that PAC - not Josephy, has made does not warrant Josephy being assumed to have an ambition of becoming a president, atleast he has so far not declared the interest, if he has such ambition, is he not only being ambitious which is normal to a human being?
How Josephy reacted with Kashoti is almost normal to a certain degree. A reaction that goes with absence of the mind at a particular moment - forgotten the actual jargon.
But, good example of such state of mind is working up one day and rapes your own mother, hacking your own wife, act of arson etc. However, its not always that such criminal acts are premeditated - you kind of subconciously takes leave of the brain. Most of the time such guys dont have excuses for committing such crimes except that Dowa man who hacked his wife and was preading not guilty. Did you had time to listen or read how remorsefull late Josephy's brother was after murdering his wife?